Older Vermonters need your help,
New To Medicare Checklist
- Start Medicare Benefits:
- Call or visit Social Security Administration at 1-877-840-5776 or go to www.Medicare.gov
- 3 months prior to your 65th birthday
- Consider registering for a Medicare class at Age Well to understand your health insurance options and coverage. Class schedules at www.agewellvt.org
- Select either Original Medicare through the federal government (Hospital Part A, Medical Part B & Prescription Drug Part D) or a private Medicare Advantage Plan (prescription coverage may be included).
- You must take action to enroll into a Medicare Part D Drug Plan or Medicare Advantage Plan. To compare drug plans go to www.medicare.gov or call Age Well Helpline at 1-800-642-5119 and ask for a SHIP counselor. Have a list of your medicines available; name, strength & how many you take each day. Call the desired plan directly or Medicare to enroll (have your Medicare card available).
- Consider a Medicare Supplemental Insurance Coverage to help cover your costs (hospital & medical deductibles and co-insurance). Supplemental coverage only works with Original Medicare and only pays after Medicare. For more information on Medicare Supplemental plans available in Vermont, go to: https: /dfr.vermont.gov/consumers /explore-insuranee/health
- To apply for Federal &/or State Programs for financial help:
- Federal ‘Extra Help’ also known as Low Income Subsidy programs helps with Medicare drug coverage – apply through Social Security application or on their website athttps://www.ssa.gov/medicare/prescriptionhelp/
- State financial insurance help – apply using 202med application or online at http://www.greenmountaincare.org/sites/gmc/files/documents/forms/2o2MED.pdf
- Please review your Medicare Drug or Advantage Plan each year during the Annual Enrollment Period: October 15th – December 15th. Know your plan costs, coverage & any drug restrictions that may apply for the following year.
Age Well State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP): 1-800-642-5119
Social Security Administration in Burlington: 1-877-840-5776
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS): 1-800-633-4227
New to Medicare Handbook:https://www.medicare.gov/Pubs/pdf /10050-medicare-and-you.pdf