Older Vermonters need your help,
Older Vermonters need your help,
Age Well staff and volunteers support many clients with their mental health needs including coordinating access to mental health services, social programs, medication management (HomeMeds), and more.
Eldercare Clinicians in Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties provide in-home mental health counseling for clients who cannot easily leave the house to access those services.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, call Howard Center’s First Call: 802-488-7777 or 911.
Depression, isolation, hoarding disorders and issues with clutter are common in older adults, but are not a normal part of the aging process. At Age Well, we work to help break down barriers to care, reduce isolation and host workshops around these topics.
The HomeMeds program is in-home medication management tool; this program identifies risks and ensures that current medications are being appropriately taken and updated. We focus on removing unused, expired medication including opiates from the home.
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Fusce magna Leo, commodo eget congue sed, sollicitudin a neque. Mauris id varius enim. Morbi venenatis urna vel erat cursus fringilla.
Fusce magna Leo, commodo eget congue sed, sollicitudin a neque. Mauris id varius enim. Morbi venenatis urna vel erat cursus fringilla. Integer pharetra non nulla sit amet consectetur. Duis aliquet quam massa, ac tincidunt justo tempus eget. Morbi ornare a elit eu feugiat.
Fusce magna Leo, commodo eget congue sed, sollicitudin a neque. Mauris id varius enim. Morbi venenatis urna vel erat cursus fringilla. Integer pharetra non nulla sit amet consectetur. Duis aliquet quam massa, ac tincidunt justo tempus eget. Morbi ornare a elit eu feugiat.
Fusce magna Leo, commodo eget congue sed, sollicitudin a neque. Mauris id varius enim. Morbi venenatis urna vel erat cursus fringilla. Integer pharetra non nulla sit amet consectetur. Duis aliquet quam massa, ac tincidunt justo tempus eget. Morbi ornare a elit eu feugiat.
Fusce magna Leo, commodo eget congue sed, sollicitudin a neque. Mauris id varius enim. Morbi venenatis urna vel erat cursus fringilla. Integer pharetra non nulla sit amet consectetur. Duis aliquet quam massa, ac tincidunt justo tempus eget. Morbi ornare a elit eu feugiat.
Fusce magna Leo, commodo eget congue sed, sollicitudin a neque. Mauris id varius enim. Morbi venenatis urna vel erat cursus fringilla. Integer pharetra non nulla sit amet consectetur. Duis aliquet quam massa, ac tincidunt justo tempus eget. Morbi ornare a elit eu feugiat.
Call the Helpline at 1-800-642-5119 for more information on our counseling and behavioral health support for our community.
Access to Social Programs
We help clients access social programs such as Adult Day, meal sites & community meals, and other community programming that help reduce isolation and depression.