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Aging in Our Community

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Food Delivery & Meal Programs

Our Food & Meal
Services for Seniors

Age Well offers a variety of food delivery and meal services for older adults in northwestern Vermont, including home-delivered meals from Meals on Wheels as well as meals in a group setting. Designed to be nutritionally complete, our congregate community meals provide opportunities for socializing in addition to a delicious meal.

Meals are created to meet the dietary and food safety guidelines required by the Older Americans Act. A typical meal consists of 2-3 ounces of protein, complex carbohydrate (such as sweet potato, rice or pasta), one and a half cups of fruit or vegetables, a grain (preferably whole grain), milk and dessert (often includes fruit). Salt is not added to foods during cooking, though in some foods it may naturally occur.

Nutrition & Wellness at Age Well

Over the years, we have been working with older Vermonters to provide nutrition, education, counseling, healthy foods and try to assess their needs. How older Vermonters live, how they plan meals, how they manage budgets and maintain their health. So we created a plan to provide nutrition education on a regular basis. So ongoing monthly visits from a registered dietitian in the client’s home or over the phone to provide education and guidance.

And the whole health plan is related to medication advice from your physician. Healthy foods and exercise. If you’re able to do that, understanding that how you eat and what you eat and how you space it out throughout the day has an impact on your blood sugar and your health. But to be able to have the resources, to be able to have someone who follows up, to be able to ask questions, get answers, to be able to practice and try out some of these strategies that they’re learning to get the food delivered to their home.

They don’t have to think about it. They have to go shopping. It’s really enabled them to make huge changes that are going to be impactful on their health.

Contact Us

To learn more about Meals on Wheels and Community Meals with Age Well, call our free, confidential helpline at 1-800-642-5119.