Older Vermonters need your help,
Older Vermonters need your help,
Dates: Tuesdays (February 4, 11, 18, and 25)
Time: 12 – 1 pm
Location: Arrowhead Senior Center, Milton
Menu for February 4: Shepherd’s pie with corn, mashed potatoes, diced carrots, Texas toast, peaches
Menu for February 11: Wheat spaghetti with meatballs, marinara, parmesan cheese, spinach, wheat roll, mandarin oranges in jello
Menu for February 18: No meal served 2/18/25
Menu for February 25: Scalloped potatoes with turkey, ham, and cheddar; mixed beans, biscuit, grapes
No takeout or delivery. $5 donation suggested. Restaurant tickets will be available for distribution. Please register one week in advance.
For registration, please contact: Dan Dougherty, 802-343-4629